Below is a listing of movies that are based around the business
world. The movies are not listed in any order, but I will say Wall
Street is my favorite movie of across any list. I have added my
thoughts that can be used as takeaways from each film. Many of the
films bring us the common lessons.
Interact!!! In the comments section below, let me know which movie
is your favorite! Or you can let me know if I left one out!! If you
think I left something out of the “What Can We Learn” section, let me
know so I can add it.
The Game
What we can learn:
Pretentious or self-centered people are lonely people, family is all one has
Boiler Room
What we can learn:
Everything is NOT as it seems to be no matter how good it is, “act as if ____”, ethics
Wall Street
What we can learn:
Work hard/play hard, everybody has their price, ethics
oh and….. “greed is good” (I had to say it!)
Pirates of Silicon Valley
What we can learn:
Success is gained with persistence, create a solution instead of a
product, there can be two paths to success – AKA there is more than one
right way
Glengarry Glen Ross
What we can learn:
ABC Always Be Closing, what the life of a salesman is like
God Father 1 and 2
What we can learn:
Mob movies always make a great learning source of how to do
business. In the real world, one cannot get away with “making an offer
he can’t refuse.” Too bad though!
Office Space
What we can learn:
There are no short cuts in life, office life is not much fun, larger
businesses have too many useless tasks, policies, and procedures in
place, strive for something better no matter where you are in your
Trading Places
What we can learn:
Every snob has his day, money makes people do what they know is
wrong, the commodities market has just as much insider trading than the
equities market
You’ve Got Mail
What we can learn:
Big business does ruin the smaller “shops around the corner” as well
as the neighborhood, change can lead to better opportunities
Pretty Woman
What we can learn:
Another business snob turns mush movie, how to eat at a formal dinner
setting, no matter how successful in life – everyone has a weakness,
the art of negotiating, everyone works for the best in life
The Pursuit of Happiness
What we can learn:
Each decision one makes can make or break you in the future,
motivation, one needs to work hard to get to where they want to be,
happiness does not mean money, surround yourself with successful people
What we can learn:
First comes money – then power – then women, build the team you lead
carefully, take advantage of opportunities, don’t underestimate the
other guy’s greed, the guys that last in business, are the guys who fly
What we can learn:
Doing wrong will only catch up with you, trust no one, details…
details…. details, it is always the one you least suspect, ethics
The Secret to my success
What we can learn:
Trying to get your foot in the door is your first battle in life,
moving to new city is not always popular but the higher the risk – the
greater the reward