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The Anabolic Leader

By Eileen P. Monesson, MBA, CPC posted 05-24-2013 10:13 PM


The anabolic leader demonstrates his or her ability to engage employees on an individual, social, and organizational level. The way that a leader interacts with his or her team has a tremendous impact on building anabolic energy and engagement. Partners that participate in meetings, respond to situations and socialize with employees with anabolic energy will establish a highly functional firm culture. It is important for firm leadership to acknowledge that these interactions must be authentic. If you say one thing and do another, you will lose the respect and trust of your team.


The key is for leaders to channel the energy of their team to an anabolic level so that each member is using his or her strengths for the benefit of the firm and its clients. Leaders that can shift their team’s energy to function at a higher level will have more opportunities, successful results, and a positive impact on the firm.

Learn More at the NJSCPA Convention on June 12.

